celebration seat

Happy New Year!  Thank you all for a wonderful 2011, it was beyond my expectations!  

We cautiously rung in the new year with my husband’s family who were passing around the gift of the stomach flu – yik.  Grateful for a safe seven hour trip home to Michigan, we left in a hurry to beat our first winter storm home.  It started snowing as we drove into town – AMAZING! Also grateful that nobody else fell victim to this volatile virus in the car.  

We did manage to celebrate with one bottle of champagne between the healthy, I was more interested in claiming the cage.  I have wanted to make one of these cute miniature parlor chairs since I first laid eyes on them here (photo above).  This is what I learned – I am not so great with wire (photo below)!

Did you make a resolution for the new year?  I am generally a goal orientated person, I make lists constantly mostly so I can cross things off…  I may not be keen at picking one new years resolution but these flowed readily into a “want” list for 2012:

I want to sketch and draw more.

I want to actually do my hair more and wear a pony tail less.

I want more 3000 yard mornings in the pool each week.

I want more dates with my husband.

I need more quiet times in the word. 

I want to paint my nails with my daughters more.

I want to entertain more in my home.

I want to explore surface design on the clay and expand my artistic style.

I want to make more homemade bread.

I want to eat less dessert and more vegetables.

I want to capture more memories.

I want to be a great friend.

I want to take more family vacations.

I want to purge my basement.

I want to ski downhill lots.

I want to get back into writing snail mail.

I want to give generously.

About Kate

I am a wife, mother, friend, artist, swimmer, traveler, cook, adventurer and follower of Christ. This is where I share the best moments in my day – the kind you know would be a crime to keep to yourself. I write like I talk, not too fancy but from the heart. View all posts by Kate

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